We term it as lifetime, the duration we live in this world! Each of us arrives and departs, and while traversing this realm, each of us perpetually learns. Throughout every phase of life, at every instant, in any setting, our pursuit of learning endures. We are driven by curiosity, and the desire for knowledge, and we consistently act based on what we understand, what we feel, and what we hold precious in our hearts.
Ahmet Seferoğlu is a skilled, qualified electrical engineer who lives in Kayseri. That is the point! He has come to realize that knowing and learning alone are insufficient. He has come to understand that sharing is what matters most, and that feeling from the heart is invaluable. This is best exemplified by his installation of solar panels that can produce electricity to sustain 1410 mosques in the İncesu District of Kayseri for 25 years.
To put it briefly, Ahmet Seferoğlu has deeply impacted the essence of goodness by dedicating his knowledge and earnings to the service of believers and Islam.