1 million 205 thousand 522 Qurans printed in 36 languages and dialects in 81 countries including Turkiye have been delivered to the needy within the scope of My Present is Quran project, which is carried out by the Turkiye Diyanet Foundation carried out by the Presidency of Religious Affairs.
Turkiye Diyanet Foundation Board of Trustees 2. chairman, Ihsan Acik, said that while delivering humanitarian aid to the oppressed and victims around the world, they are also carrying out activities that would fill the spiritual deficiencies of the societies.
Pointing out that My Present Is Quran Project is at the forefront of these works, Acik noted:
“We strive to ensure that the Holy Quran, which is our holy book of thought, gratitude, and praise (AL-Dhikr), enters every home. We deliver the word of Allah to our brothers who have never seen the Quran as Mushaf in their lifetime. In our country, especially in hospitals and prisons, educational institutions, and abroad in orphanages, madrasahs, schools, we present our Holy Book to our brothers and sisters in all layers of society who cannot reach the Quran. Especially in African countries where hunger and poverty are at the highest level, children learn the Quran and try to remember (hafiz) it on pieces of wood and skin called Louh. The Qurans we offer to these people make their lives easier and make them happy.”
Until now, together with the Presidency of Religious Affairs, Turkish, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese Amhara, Azerbaijani, Bambaraca, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chichewa, Danish, Darica, Armenian West, Armenian East, Persian, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Kurdish, Malayalam, Mongolian, Uzbek, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Shonaca, Tamil, Tatar, Ukrainian, Uighur, Yorubaca in 36 languages “Between 2016 and 2021, we helped them shape their lives on the axis of the Quran by providing 1 million 205 thousand 522 Qurans to the needy in 81 countries, including 364,212 domestically and 841,310 abroad.”
It is aimed to provide 350,000 Qurans in 50 countries in 2022
Stating that the works continued unabated in 2022 and the needs were determined in line with the donations received, and the Quran was published, Acik said, “In 2022, we are planning a total of 350 thousand translated studies in 8 different languages like Polish in Poland, Hungarian in Hungary, Domestic Prestige Ottoman, East African countries Swahili, Indian in India, Hindi in Bangladesh, Malay in Malaysia, and Indonesian in Indonesia. After our work is completed, we will hopefully deliver Allah’s word to our needy brothers and sisters in 50 countries.”
He said that citizens who want to enable another person to meet the Quran within the scope of the My Present Is Quran Project can donate a 30 TL Quran to the needy by writing the Kuran and sending SMS to 4333, or they can support the project through banks from the bagis.tdv.org site online.